
Scalable, flexible, and adaptable.

Dynamis is committed to providing the tools, capabilities, and resources that our clients and partners require to achieve mission-critical results.

Defense + Science

The Defense & Science Division provides professional services and program management to Department of Defense organizations, agencies, and components, and to Science and Technology organizations throughout the Federal Government. Dynamis specializes in providing subject matter expertise in countering weapons of mass destruction; chem-bio policy and bio-technology; threat science; and detection, diagnostics, and acquisition.

Homeland Security + Law Enforcement

The Homeland Security & Law Enforcement Division provides professional services, intelligence and analysis, program support, and subject matter expertise in support of agencies involved in the investigation and prevention of threats to the United States from foreign and domestic sources. Our programs and analysts provide adaptable solutions to enhance preparedness, reduce risks, and enhance public safety.

Preparedness + Resilience

The Preparedness & Resilience Division supports our customer’s ability to prepare for, respond to, and recover from natural and man-made emergencies and disasters. We provide products and services in planning, training, exercising, and operations supporting a wide range of stakeholders and customers in the private and public sector and at all levels of government.

Information Technology + COBRA

The Information Technology Division provides custom software development and technology services in support of our customers and their missions. Our team of certified software professionals, in partnership with our operational experts, design, develop, implement, test and evaluate technologies for government and commercial customers across the globe to empower leaders, enhance performance, and improve operations. To learn more about our Emergency Management Solution, visit our COBRA Software website


The Compliance Division ensures our customers meet or exceed agency, federal, and state regulatory compliance requirements. Our team implements, evaluates, monitors, audits, and performs risk assessments; and supports development and communication of our customers’ compliance policies and procedures. We provide education and training in support of agency and customer missions to foster a culture of effectiveness.

International + Dynamis Europe

The International Division provides the full scope of Dynamis products, services, and capabilities across the globe, servicing markets external to the United States as well as managing our overseas subsidiaries and partnerships. Active markets include the European Union, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and South America. To learn more, visit our Dynamis Europe website.